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Nos pensionnaires

The Red Fox

Please note, although it is called the red fox, they are not always red! In fact it can also be brown, black or silver, and all within the same litter!

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The red fox is a small canine that weighs between 3.6 and 6.8 kg, the male being slightly larger than the female. The red fox is one of the most common mammals in Canada. It is found in all provinces and territories. Its diet consists mainly of small mammals (mice, voles, squirrels, etc.), but its diet also includes a wide variety of other foods such as plants and insects.

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Did you know that the main predator of the red fox is man, however, it seems that the fox population is more numerous today than at the arrival of European ancestors in the sixteenth century

The den is dug in the ground and the walls are lined with grass and leaves to keep the pups dry inside. The number of pups in a litter can range between 1 and 10 pups, but the average is 5.