During the summer the River Otter is a rather gregarious character living with its family, whilst during the winter the River Otter becomes more of a solitary creature
Retour aux pensionnairesThe river otter is a carnivorous species rather common, though unobtrusive. It feeds mostly underwater & mainly on fish but also on shellfish, crayfish, frogs, insects, small mammals and turtles. An adult otter can consume up to 1.5 kg of food per day!
It weighs between 4 and 10 kg and can grow to between 90 and 115 cm. Otters usually live in a burrow near a water source. It can dig it itself, use an existing hole or even a beaver dam. It is an active species all year round! Over a period of 24 hours, it is mostly at dusk and at night that operations are concentrated.
Did you know that the paws of the otter are webbed and that their nasal cavities & ear canals can block themselves. It is hardly surprising that the otter is much more comfortable in water than on land
The female otter gives birth between March & April to a litter of 1 to 6 baby otters.