For many moons wolves have been feared by mankind. This fear has been widely disseminated by tales & cinema but is it truly warranted?
Retour aux pensionnairesTheir bad reputation warranted their extermination in many regions in North America. However, going back in history it is rare to find cases where a wolf has attacked a human. In fact it is only in particular circumstances, where the wolf has been injured, trapped or fed by man, which has led the wolf to attack. Wolves are generally very fearful towards humans as in reality their only predator is mankind
Wolves live in packs and have a well established social structure. Each pack has an alpha couple, a dominant male & female who are the sole progenitors within the pack. In other words, the Alpha couple are the only members of the pack that reproduce regardless of the number of males or females in the pack. The other members are responsible for participating in hunting & maintaining the pack.
The wolves that have been admitted to the Refuge Pageau are either injured whom once rehabilitated will be released in to the wild or orphans who due to their close contact with humans will remain residents at the Refuge Pageau for life. For the safety & security of both the animals & humans, it is important to retain the wolves’ fear of humans in an effort to one day to return the wolves to the wild.