The Canadian Beaver is the largest rodent in North America, as well as being one of the largest in the world. An adult beaver weighs between 16 & 32kg
Retour aux pensionnairesIts front paws resemble hands whilst the rear paws are webbed. They are not very able or speedy on terra firma but very graceful and comfortable once in water!
The beaver is a great architect. After mankind, the beaver is the animal which knows how to best adapt its environment to its requirements. The beaver builds dams to flood territories and constructs a hut to house its family. The largest beaver dam known to man is 850m long and can be found in Alberta!
Did you know that the beaver is exclusively a herbivore. It eats branches, leaves, roots etc.
Once a beaver has ‘chopped’ down a tree, nothing is wasted. It eats the smaller branches, leaves and branches, whilst the rest of the tree is used in construction. A beaver’s tail is to the beaver what Swiss army knife is to humans - multifunctional. It uses it as a rudder whilst swimming & it helps stabilise the beaver whilst standing upright. The beaver’s tail is also used to position wood during construction or as a trowel to add mud. When taped on water it is also an efficient warning of the presence of predators and the noise created can also surprise the enemy