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The Bald Eagle

The bald eagle, is one of Quebec's most impressive birds of prey

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When its wings are deployed , it has a wingspan of up to 2.45 meters and weighs on average 4.3 kg. As with the majority of birds of prey, the female is often larger and heavier than the male.

The young bald eagle is fully brown which causes it to be often confused with golden eagles! It acquires its white head and tail around the age of 5 years old. Prior to which its plumage changes from brown to mottled brown before finally becoming its adult plumage. In Quebec, the couples usually nest in mature trees near bodies of water like other eagles it is a great lover of fish. Not being a very good fisherman itself, it often takes advantage of the presence of ospreys to let them do the work for it. He waits patiently for the Osprey capture its prey and then goes to steal it. Although sizeable, it is not a great hunter! Instead, it acts more as a scavenger than a predator and is often seen sharing meals with turkey vultures .

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Since 2003 the bald eagle has been classified as a vulnerable species in Quebec. The status and protective measures taken in 2002 has helped the species to grow. The number of active nesting sites increased from 71 in 2002 to 122 in 2008! Of the 122 active sites, 29 were listed in Abitibi-Témiscamingue2.

2SHAFFER, François, FRADETTE, Pierre, TREMBLAY, Junior A., DESCHÊNES, Lise, Le pygargue à tête blanche au Québec : un prompt rétablissement, Hiver 2011, Le Naturaliste Canadien, 135, no1, pages 86 à 93