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The Arctic Fox

The Arctic fox has the warmest pelt of any animal found in the Arctic. It can endure temperatures as low as -50 °C before its metabolism increases to provide warmth.

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It usually weighs between 2.5 and 4 kg. In winter, their coat is very dense and white or pale gray blue . Their coat becomes thinner in the spring and summer and darkens into shades of brown or gray. It lives in the Arctic tundra and is very well adapted to the cold.

As the snowy owl, the favorite prey of the Arctic fox is the lemming. The population of Arctic foxes also varies depending on the population of lemmings! It will also follow a polar bear for kilometers in order to feed on the remains of seals that the bear hunts.

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Did you know that the female has one litter per year with between 1 and 14 pups! The den is commonly dug in a slope of sand or gravel for excellent drainage. Some den may be up to 300 years old and have up to 100 entries!

The main predator of the arctic fox is man, others include the wolf, the lynx and the polar bear. In Canada, the skin of the arctic fox is an important source of income for northern Aboriginals .